Fuck Cancer: Ftember Custom Built Facebook App

Project Info

Our dear friends at Fuck Cancer proclaimed September the month of early cancer detection, and to help you spread that message virally, Invoke built a custom app. The application was installed on the Fuck Cancer Facebook page for the entire month of September 2011.

We wanted to engage people to learn and share the, often awkward, early warning signs of cancer. We knew we had to create something that was viral, quick and easy to participate in, and was built in a way that enabled our community to share the education with their networks. The updates were edgy, educational, and irreverent.

We designed and built an interactive Facebook application which allows users to donate a Facebook post (or status message) and tweets. Hoping to spread the message fast and far, Fuck Cancer used clever copy and an interactive calendar that allows users to select which dates they’d like to donate their status. There is also a post to Twitter option.

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